Where can I find the app?

We have decided not to place our app in the iOS or Android store. Why? 3 reasons:

  1. You need to download and install an app from the store;
  2. Each update of the app means downloading and installing again;
  3. An app in the store is only available after a long time (necessary for evaluation by the store).

The development of TiQiT is going so fast that putting the app on the store will only slow things down. Our latest app will then only be available weeks later, which is the time that Android and Apple need to test and evaluate our latest version for security, among other things.

TiQiT is all device friendly, no need to download anything.

TiQiT is all device friendly, no need to download anything.

Security at TiQiT meets the highest requirements (see FAQ:How is data security regulated).

“The next big thing”?

With this choice we react to the very latest development, PWA. According to Digital Netherlands, the Progressive Web App is “The next big thning” and the future. Such an app is always up to date, you don’t have to download anything again and then install it. So it’s no wonder that Google is fully committed to this new technology! And with Google, the main supplier of the Dutch mobile landscape (about 90% of the Dutch mobile market is Android), a clear signal.

You don’t use Android, but an Apple or even Windows platform? These platforms also support this latest development.

This choice enables the rapid further development and availability of our app. But even more important for the user: It is no longer necessary to download and then install our app. It is also no longer necessary to update the app. This saves not only a regular visit to the app store but also an attack on the already limited space on the smartphone.

There are downsides too. An app with this technology does not grant access to contacts, call history or Bluetooth. Functionality that we will not integrate into TiQiT in the short term.

But if you have any questions. Our app works offline and without downtime, works perfectly on all devices and you can add it as an app to your start screen. In addition, our app is super fast. It is loaded in one go and does not require any loading time afterwards.

Are you curious what TiQiT can do for you?

Please contact us at info@tiqitonline.com. We are glad to be here for you.

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