A logistical construction HUB

Getting building materials to and from the job site in a timely manner can be quite a task. In order to avoid delays in implementation as much as possible, the construction logistics must function perfectly. A logistical HUB, also known as a construction HUB, construction buffer zone or interim storage facility, offers a solution.

A proven IT tool is required for effective implementation. An IT tool that quickly captures incoming materials, adds photos and monitors the outgoing material flow. An IT tool that turns your employees into error-free professionals through tasks via our app on smartphones and hand scanners.

Our IT power makes it possible to transport materials for various (sub)contractors from the logistical HUB to the construction site at exactly the desired time. Since TiQiT is used by our customers at locations in the Netherlands and Germany, we see you everywhere. You can now find our IT tool at well-known warehouses from construction wholesalers to distribution centers of construction logistics service providers and of course in construction hubs of well-known construction companies.

This is how our IT works with the bau-HUB

When building, time is precious. Goods and materials delivered too late disrupt the construction process and thus constitute a cost item. The use of a logistical HUB prevents this. Building materials are delivered loose here and then divided up into composite work packages by warehouse employees. Our IT tool gives clear instructions to combine the right materials for the right delivery zone. This is how we guarantee your work package ready for use on your construction site.

If you need materials, they will be sent according to the just-in-time & Provided just-in-place principle. TiQiT ensures clarity, both on the construction site and at the construction HUB. You keep track of things and get what you need in good time, which also means you never have annoying amounts of material on the actual construction site. That way it never gets in the way. This gives more space to build and also reduces the risk of damage, theft or loss.

Waste recycling thanks to strategic logistics HUB

A buffer zone has several functions. For us it is like a sorting center where your goods are transformed from bulk into usable packages. In addition, the logistical HUB also serves as a storage center. After all, the building material is stored here until you need it. So your planning is leading.

However, our work does not end with the delivery of your material to your construction site. Your remaining material will be taken back in the empty truck, of course registered in TiQiT. So you don’t have to worry about registering residual material either. TiQiT ensures that the construction site remains free of residual material, clearly recorded. In this way we create clarity and optimal framework conditions for employees, (sub)contractors and residents and we ensure an increase in the labor productivity of your scarce skilled workers.

Smart logistics solutions in combination with bouwHUB

You are involved in a large construction project and material storage is arranged with the help of our IT tool. In other words: everything around the building is perfectly organized. But how do you know exactly what is in stock in the interim storage facility? How do you determine what you need when and where? Experts have pondered these questions.

With the help of smart solutions such as TiQiT, warehouse management for retrieving building materials and planning transport becomes child’s play. This IT tool gives you an overview of which material is stored on the construction HUB and which is not. This gives you an overview in a flash so that you can initiate a possible delivery.

No construction HUB? Even then we are happy to help you to organize it more effectively. We then provide our smart IT solutions. Of course, you can also store building materials on the construction site or with your suppliers. With TiQiT you have a 24/7 overview on your smartphone and can transform your car park into an effective mini construction HUB.

While a HUB works effectively, it can also be simpler, such as B. with combined freight or a construction ticket system. With a well thought-out overview in TiQiT, it becomes immediately clear which measures can lead to direct and simple cost savings. Building is precision work and that also applies to the logistics involved in the project. Our experts will help you with this.
While a HUB works effectively, it can also be simpler, such as B. with combined freight or a construction ticket system. With a well thought-out overview in TiQiT, it becomes immediately clear which measures can lead to direct and simple cost savings. Building is precision work and that also applies to the logistics involved in the project. Our experts will help you with this.

Increase your efficiency with a logistical HUB

Various (practical) studies show that construction site personnel are more than 6% more effective when using a construction HUB, or approx. 20 minutes/person/day. This means that a construction HUB saves around 3 percent of the contract price. Would you also like to save 50 to 70 percent space and reduce the number of vehicle movements by 40 percent? Or reduce loss and theft by 20 percent? Then choose to use a construction HUB with TiQiT.