How much does TiQiT cost?
TiQiT operates on the basis of a monthly license provided for your construction project. The premise is a fixed monthly license fee, which is determined, among other factors, by a ‘fair use’ policy regarding the number of users. There are no additional monthly charges.
TiQiT is an IT tool, meaning it utilizes telecommunications, computer technology, information technology, and media (video/images). Subscription costs and the use of telecommunication, such as calling and SMS via TiQiT, are included in the fixed monthly license fee.
How are the license fees determined?
The costs for TiQiT depend on the number of modules you subscribe to. These can be either:
- The number of modules you deploy on a construction project, or
- The number of modules your company subscribes to and uses across different construction projects.
The more modules you use, the more discount you receive.
The notice period is contractually determined and is one calendar month. Afterward, we close the project and provide you with all data for free.
Free & automatic monthly updates
TiQiT is continuously evolving, and updates are free and included in the fixed invoice amount. These updates occur monthly (except during the holiday period) and are automatically loaded. There is no need to periodically check and update manually.
Updates include data security enhancements, routine system maintenance, and expansions of functionality for various modules.
Are you curious what TiQiT can do for you
Please contact us at We are glad to be here for you.
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