Logistics plan

A good and well thought-out logistics plan is a way of realizing construction plans and saving costs. In many cases, however, one quickly thinks of HUBs and/or buffer zones on the outskirts. While this is a proven method, there is another way. There are many methods, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

TiQiT helps you to implement a well thought-out logistics plan, with the right module for each method, so that your logistics planning and implementation is clearly presented. You immediately see bottlenecks and potential savings. To do this optimally, use innovative techniques and the knowledge and expertise of our experienced professionals. This gives you a clear insight into the logistics both in the tendering phase and in the design phase. This is becoming more and more important and is also noticeable in EMVI tenders (most economical offer).

Preparation of a logistics plan for the construction

A good logistics plan is tailor-made. In order to achieve the best result during implementation, we check the actual situation against the planned situation. We can even compare these to your planned logistical ambitions in real time. This creates a unique and optimal project approach for your situation.

Of course, we also consider other interest groups such as the municipality and local residents. With the use of TiQiT you implement the logistics part of the construction safety plan. This is how you take practical measures to ensure accessibility, quality of life and safety on and around the construction site. A plan is mandatory in more and more (large) municipalities, with increasing attention paid to logistics.

Logistics plan with sustainability in mind

Government requirements in the area of sustainability and quality of life are becoming more stringent and specific. To ensure your plan is compliant with all applicable rules and legislation, TiQiT implements the construction logistic plan from multiple angles. From an entrepreneur’s point of view, of course, but also from an environmental and sustainability point of view.

The latter is the so-called Green Deal construction logistics. On the way to a new, sustainable economy, greenhouse gas emissions and new energy saving techniques are very explicitly taken into account. This also includes the efficient use of water, sustainable transport to and from the construction site and the use of alternative materials. Everything is recorded in your tailor-made logistics plan and TiQiT helps with the implementation.

Logistics blueprint using innovative technology

Standing still is a step backwards, also in the construction industry. You can create your logistics plan yourself (or have it created), but of course it must be implemented. With TiQiT you can monitor, implement or outsource the construction logistics yourself.

No matter who carries out the logistics, you want live insight yourself, only then is a timely adjustment possible. This is possible thanks to our TiQiT tool. With this system you can monitor the transports to, from and on the construction site yourself. This means that you have the logistics under control and thus full attention to the construction process.

The intelligent system works with notifications that you can set yourself, so you will be informed in good time when action needs to be taken. Another big advantage is that transport, crane and equipment planning are combined in one system. This reduces ambiguities and long waiting times. TiQiT can be used in real time on any device (mobile, tablet, laptop) and offers significant savings.

Coordinate logistics yourself

You can commission us to assess whether and where good IT tools can help. Of course, you can coordinate and evaluate the logistics yourself, which requires an overview and good tools. We support you with the right knowledge and the right tools. You then have an approach and the necessary IT tools to plan, oversee and monitor the construction logistics yourself. We provide you with the knowledge and the IT tool.

Are you curious about one of the many options we offer you to implement your logistics plan down to the smallest detail? Or are you looking for a way to significantly reduce logistics costs through a few specific measures? Then contact one of our experts: info@tiqitonline.com.