Privacy Policy

This website is managed by TiQiT B.V. We take the privacy of our visitors on our website seriously.

In this Privacy Policy, we disclose the policies we have for the website mentioned above, ranging from the type of information we collect and track about users of our website to how that information is used, shared, or otherwise processed offline. This statement also describes how cookies are used. This statement is effective as of July 1, 2019.

By using the information and services on our website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and the terms we have included in it.

Use of Personal Data
Handling your inquiries through our websites If you use information through our website, for example about our services or by submitting a callback request, we use the information you provide to handle your request.

Personalizing our websites The information we collect about you can be used to personalize your experience with our website. For example, by storing login details in the login menu. This way, you don’t have to re-enter the same information, making the site much more user-friendly.

Providing support We may use your personal data to support the services you have obtained from us. For example, we can better inform you when you call our helpdesk.

When we provide you with support, we gain access to data you have made available to us, which may include information about yourself or about the employees, clients, construction partners, or suppliers of your organization.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to cases where we have access to this information; the terms regarding the handling and processing of such data are covered by the applicable agreement between you and TiQiT B.V.

Additionally, we offer “Live Chat” sessions on our IT tool TiQiT to assist you while navigating through our tool. The personal data you provide us through these sessions will be treated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Visitor Data such as the IP address, type of browser, and visited pages resulting from one or more visits to our website can be stored permanently. This is done anonymously and is not linked to other personal information. TiQiT B.V. ensures the proper security of the stored data.

Protection of Rights and Property of TiQiT B.V.
When we have reasonable grounds to suspect that the rights or property of TiQiT B.V., business partners, suppliers, clients, or others are at stake, we may also use or make your information available to protect those rights or property.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to disclose your personal data when required by law and when we believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or those of others, or to comply with a court order, a judicial order, or a legal procedure regarding our websites.

Management of Personal Data
We handle your data carefully and treat it in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (WBP) and as of May 25, 2018, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We use your data exclusively to optimize our services and will never share it with third parties except as described in the Privacy Policy.

TiQiT B.V. uses functional cookies to optimize the functionality of the website. Cookies are small text files placed by the website on your computer. The information we register through cookies includes, among other things, the IP address, type of browser, and visited pages. Such a cookie also stores information such as certain visitor preferences. This way, we can better serve the visitor during a subsequent visit, for example by storing login details in the login menu. This way, you don’t have to re-enter the same information, making the site much more user-friendly.

You, the visitor, determine how cookies are handled by using the options of your browser. This option is offered by the most commonly used modern browsers and can be found on your provider’s browser.

Cookies can always be removed from a computer, again through the browser. TiQiT B.V. uses Google Analytics cookies to process the browsing behavior of large numbers of visitors – anonymized – into models that help us improve our websites. Google may provide this information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that these third parties process the information on behalf of Google. We have no influence over this.

The security of the login screens of our IT tool TiQiT services is constantly being optimized. Security works through the so-called Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

For the sake of data security, TiQiT B.V. has chosen to store the IT tool TiQiT, including all data contained therein, exclusively in the Netherlands and uses certified servers in the Netherlands.

TiQiT B.V. reserves the right to adjust the content or remove parts at any time without having to notify you of this. It is advisable to regularly check the information offered on this website for changes.

We keep your registration data as long as your account is active, or as necessary to provide you with services. If you want us to stop using your registration data to provide you with services, you can contact us via

We will keep and use your registration data as long as necessary for compliance with our legal obligations, for resolving disputes, and for enforcing our agreements.

We want to protect your personal data and maintain its accuracy. TiQiT B.V. reasonably implements physical, administrative, and technical security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, unauthorized use, and unauthorized disclosure.

Applicable Law
Dutch law applies to this website and Privacy Policy. All disputes arising from or in connection with this Privacy Policy will be exclusively submitted to the competent court in the Netherlands. In case different language versions of the Privacy Policy show discrepancies or lead to differences in interpretation, the version in the Dutch language is decisive.

Questions about Privacy and Access to Your Data
If you would like to receive more information or have questions about our Privacy Policy or about the handling of your data by TiQiT B.V., you can reach us via the contact details displayed on this site, including our email address:

With an active account in our IT tool TiQiT, it is possible to view or modify your personal data via the internet. If your data is not accessible via the internet and you want a copy of certain data you have provided to TiQiT B.V., or if you notice that the data is incorrect and you want us to correct it, please contact us.

Before TiQiT B.V. can provide you with data or correct inaccuracies, we may ask you to confirm your identity and possibly other information to assist us in responding to your request. We will contact you within 30 days after receiving your request.

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